Efalex Brain Formula is a unique blend of Fish Oil and Evening Primrose Oil, including DHA, EPA (Omega 3 fatty acids), GLA, and AA (Omega 6 fatty acids). Over 25 years of market-leading research in the development of fatty acid supplements has gone into the formulation of Efalex. Efamol�s unique Essential Fatty Acid food supplement formulas contain oils carefully extracted from their natural sources, ensuring the oil stays in the same form and retains its natural characteristics. All our oils are thoroughly tested to ensure they are free from harmful pollutants. The Efamol fish oil used is of superior standard and is harvested from sustainable stocks.
: Health and Personal Care
: Sunflower oil, FISH oil, pure evening primrose oil, flavouring ( lemon oil, lime), vitamin E ( as dl-alpha tocopheryl acetate), antioxidant ( tocopherol rich extract), thyme oil.
: BRU-EF0003
Unit Quantity
: 2
: 5014154553904
32.64My Beauty and Care LtdEfamol Efalex flüssige Zitrone & Limette 150ml-2er PackAuf Lager!
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